The website Hypertectum is part of ETS Europe.
Hypertectum ® is a website of ETS-Europe, the inventor, manufacturer and patent holder of the range Hypertectum . Besides Hypertectum ® also called liquid rubber we have developed even more high-quality coatings and systems thanks to the help of the technology of the XXIst century. Furthermore we are THE supplier of many other coatings for surface treatment such as concrete, metal and wood.
With our innovative coatings, Hypertectum meets the increasing demand of our clients to avchieve effective and sustainable products. Hypertectum ® offers the best solutions of waterproofness
and protection of roofs, tanks, asphalt membranes, parking areas and stadiums, bathrooms, verandas
and balconies, EPDM membranes etc.
Click to download our Hypertectum file or our one of our Hypertectum product sheets.